Hawaii’s MOST Scenic Place – Horseback Riding the Waipio Valley Rim 🏞 (DJi Mavic)

Come with us on a horseback riding adventure on the rim of the Waipio Valley, possibly Hawaii’s most scenic spot ! We use Waipio Ridge Stables (link below), a great tour group to lead us around one of the Big Island’s most interesting areas. I get plenty of great DJi Mavic drone shots from high above the Waip’io valley (and Hiilawe Falls). We even stop at a smaller waterfall to have lunch where I attempt to dive into freezing cold water. Enjoy the Hawaii Life with us, as the series is almost coming to a close. Be sure to subscribe and leave a comment if you enjoyed the vlog. All of my videos from Hawaii are archived on my Guide to the Big Island 2017 Playlist (below).

Horseback Ride with the Waipio Ridge Stables: https://www.waipioridgestables.com/

SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/2ddsVMs
HAWAII PLAYLIST: http://bit.ly/2sBXa6C

Hawaii The Big Island Revealed (Buy this book if you’re coming to the Big Island!) : http://amzn.to/2eDmGHy

My island friend has more about the Big Island on http://TravelingElly.com. Check her out!

Join Scott’s Cheap Flights to get emailed/texted about the best flight deals around the World: https://scottscheapflights.com/?id=359

(Support this channel, by buying through these affiliate links)
DJi Mavic Pro Drone: http://amzn.to/2qOfyJj
CANON G7X MARK II: http://amzn.to/2ket6Oz
GO PRO HERO 5: http://amzn.to/2iYr8g9
Go Pro Sport Kit/Accessories: http://amzn.to/2m0kUzF
Big Joby Tripod: http://amzn.to/2m0mFNk
Little Joby Tripod: http://amzn.to/2m0pApr
New Outlander Daypack (20 L size great for holding gear): http://amzn.to/2mjy0KX
Canon Battery Pack NB-13L: http://amzn.to/2kIWokF
SanDisk Extreme 128GB Flash Memory Card: http://amzn.to/2jLJYsr
Skinny Micromuff (essential for wind noise): http://micromuff.com/

TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/herebebarr
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BLOG: http://www.herebebarr.wordpress.com
EMAIL: herebebarr@gmail.com

WANT $40.00 off your first Airbnb stay?: http://bit.ly/2keuwJf

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