KOKO HEAD HAWAII HIKE | Amazing Hike and Authentic Hawaiian Food

Going to college in Utah, we had many opportunities to hike mountains–some that even took us 8 hours to complete. However, we would agree that Koko Head was one of the hardest hikes that we have ever completed. It didn’t take more than 1-2 hours, but the trail was steep. The path isn’t maintained incredibly well, so there were definitely a few parts of the hike where we felt many people would feel unsafe. But it was a blast nonetheless, and we definitely recommend it to you, if you’re at least comfortable with intermediate hikes. We also tried authentic Hawaiian garlic chicken, and it was incredible!! Still can’t stop thinking about it.

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Hi! We’re just your average husband and wife flying around the world in business class for FREE. Without our miles and points, we never would have been able to afford this once-in-a-lifetime experience. We grew up on opposite sides of the United States in Texas and Ohio. Later in college, we met and got married in August of 2016. As poor newly weds and recent college grads, we moved to New York City to begin what we thought would be our long careers in finance. Only one year later, after accumulating over 2 million points through travel hacking, we booked round-the-world business class tickets to over 40 countries. Completely for free, using the personal travel hacks we had learned to save us $62,000. We quit our jobs, sold everything we owned, and began this once-in-a-lifetime adventure on August 27, 2018. Our hope is to entertain and enrich you every day through our daily videos, as well as share the personal travel hacks we’re using to travel the world for free 🙂 Let’s be friends 🙂 say “hello” sometime!

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