Local Life in Las Vegas | Chinatown, DTLV, Hawaiian Food, Resorts World, and other vegas tings

Hope everyone has been well and drinking plenty of water because it’s peak summer time!

This summer honestly has not been too bad compared to others. We still get some painful triple digit weather, but we’ve also had a lot of lovely overcast/rainy days and near-perfect summer nights.

This town is changing faster than I can keep up with, but I’ve honestly always loved that about living here.

I know I keep taking YouTube hiatuses, but I’m realizing making these little vlogs really serves as a creative outlet for me – especially when my work as a consultant can get very analytical and data heavy.

I would love to start uploading more day-in-the-life type videos to continue spotlighting the more local side of Las Vegas, but if there’s anything anyone would like to see more of in the future let me know!

Coming up on this channel: Interviews with other Las Vegas locals/business owners + Local tips & resources

Stay safe out there and KEEP DRINKING WATER!!!!

Follow my IG for Vegas updates: @sunshinelasvegas https://www.instagram.com/sunshinelas…

Follow my video content consulting IG: https://www.instagram.com/sunshinedgtl/


Best, Worst, Okay-est Neighborhoods in Las Vegas:

Henderson, Nevada – Things to Know:

Is Las Vegas Safe?

How to Meet People in Las Vegas:

Las Vegas Q&A:

#LasVegas #vegas

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