The Best Vegan Cookbook Ever Written, How To Make Traditional Hawaiian Food Vegan, Lillian Cumic

Lillian Cumic is a vegan cook and author of the bestselling cookbook ‘Hawaii, A Vegan Paradise’
In this video, Lillian offers to share her expertise with us and how she likes to make her favorite dishes. She also shares some great tips on vegan cooking and what it means for the environment and for the future of humanity as we plan to travel into space.
A vegan chef, Lillian Cumic has written her own cook book that focuses on Hawaiian food. To find a podcast about vegan cooking is no small task. It’s a niche genre that, frankly, isn’t very popular. But if you’re vegan and living in Hawaii, your search is over!

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Hawaii Real is a podcast interviewing locals in Hawaii and their day to day struggles and how they overcome them. You can find Hawaii Real on Amazon Podcast, Spotify, Apple Podcast, Pandora Podcast and many more.

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