The Food Truck a quintessential Hawaiian food experience!

We stop in this place in the north shore of Oahu: Giovanni’s shrimp truck. I wanted to eat shrimp and also we were quite hungry so I felt it was a good combination to try a food truck.

I have to agree that they guy who invented food trucks make the most of a simple idea:
I get a truck, I get food and then I have a food truck!
Simple but effective. Then it came Giovanni and added shrimps to the truck to get the mother of all food trucks: a shrimp-food-truck… the guy was a genius!

At this time in my life I have learnt that there are no shrimps as tasty as the Mediterranean shrimp (gamba roja). However I am a fair person and I always give an opportunity to all shrimps in the world to see if they can prove me wrong.

Although Giovanni’s truck did not prove me wrong, we still enjoyed a delicious plate of seafood.
Their menu is quite simple, you just have a choice of shrimp scampi, the hot and spicy version, or the lemon shrimp recipe, any of those for $13.5. If you have a problem with seafood then you have the option of the jumbo hot dog for $3.5.

I decided to go for the shrimp scampi and to complement it with the jumbo hot dog. Great experience, but several months later I still can feel the garlic in my mouth. Certainly if you are not into garlic, Giovanni’s food truck is not your kind of place!



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