POKE | Poh-kay
Hi guys, I’m here again to present you a traditional Hawaiian dish, you can prepare it in many variations, today I made that salmon, below I write a little history of POKE.
Traditional Hawaiian poke consists of skinned, gutted and boned fish. Cut into transversal fillets, it is then served with seasonings such as sea salt, kimchi and seaweed (called limu, in particular limu kohu). [The traditional forms are aku (based on tuna) and he’e (based on octopus ). Poke he’e is usually called “tako” in Japanese, except in places where the Hawaiian language is spoken, such as Niihau Island. Ahi poke is generally made with yellow fin tuna. Variations can include salmon or seafood served raw along with the typical “poke” dressing.
The type of seasoning of poke comes from the tradition of Hawaiian fishermen, who used to prepare it with the scraps of their catch and eat it as a snack. Traditional poke toppings were heavily influenced by Japanese and other Asian cuisines. In fact, its main ingredients include soy sauce, green onions and sesame seed oil. Among the other ingredients, we can find: furikake (a mixture of dried fish and seaweed and sesame seeds), pieces of dried or fresh chilli, seaweed, sea salt, inamona, fish roe and Maui onions.
You can see the list of ingredients as always at the end of the video!
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a big kiss
Sweet Emy