MUST TRY Hawaiian Food in Honolulu • Helena’s Hawaiian Food

On #Eater 38 essential restaurants in Honolulu and one of the best Hawaiian spots on Oahu since 1946…

📍 Helena’s Hawaiian Food

Rating: 9/10

Whether you’re just visiting Honolulu or a local, Helena’s Hawaiian Food is a MUST TRY. In 1946, Helen Chock opened Helenas and along the way this restaurant has accumulated many awards, such as the Regional Classic Award from the James Beard Foundation in 2000.

•Delicous Food. From classics such as Pork Laulau and Kalua Pig to my favorite grilled Short Ribs Pipikaula Style. The short ribs are so good we had to get another order. YOU NEED TO ORDER IT.
•Food comes out fast
•Service was good. Staff is very friendly and attentive.

•Really Busy. Wait times can vary but usually around 30 min+ to get a table. Go early or wait.
•Can get a bit pricey if your a big eater, but honestly it’s worth it. Sets are a good place to start but you can totally add ala carte items or change things out. Set D ($38) + some extras (Butterfish, Laulau, extra short ribs – total $31) feed three of us.
•Parking is limited (there is a few spaces in front)

Stop reading and GO!!!

➡️ Follow @micsplate to join me on more food adventures


Helenas Hawaiian Food
1240 N School St, Honolulu, HI
Hours: Tue-Fri 10AM-7:30PM
Genre: Hawaiian, Local
15 min Drive from Ala Moana Mall

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